Are your events accessible?
Yes, as a minimum, we will always aim to be in venues that have access for wheelchairs and accessible toilets. See below for further questions about accessibility.
Where do you do your events?
We operate on a pop up basis, meaning we move around depending on the type of event we’re producing. However, we can guarantee a cosy vibe, accessibility and a warm welcome. We always make sure toilets at our venues include an all – gender option.
Since summer 2020 we have also delivered events online. Find out more about our upcoming events here.
I’m not LGBTQIA identified. Can I come?
To our live performance events – YES! However you identify, we are here to ensure everyone feels welcome. We operate a Safer Spaces Policy in recognition of the fact structural inequality exists and many LGBTQIA people are marginalised from other types of spaces, or events. We ask that you respect this and other attendees of events. If you work with our Safer Spaces policy, you are welcome to come to our larger events!
However, we also run workshops which may be specifically for those who identify as LGBTQ+. These workshops or smaller events will be clearly advertised as aimed at specific groups, and we ask that others respect this and not attend.
Do you offer discounted tickets?
We offer tickets on a sliding scale. We ask our community to self assess their income level against a checklist of indicators. We also offer free tickets to refugees and those seeking asylum. This scheme is supported by grant funding and generous donations through our Pay it Forward ticket scheme. Find out more here.
I’ve booked a ticket to an event / workshop but haven’t got a ticket. What should I do?
Please check the email linked with your booking, and your spam folder too. If you still can’t find the ticket / the booking email, use the ticket platform you booked through to contact us. That way we can check your ticket against the guestlist and signpost you to the correct instructions.
Can I come on my own?
Yes! We have lots of people who attend our events on their own. We hope in future to introduce specific ways for those flying solo to enjoy the events together. But generally, our crowd is friendly, and the relaxed vibes enable people to get chatting. Please feel free to introduce yourself to one of the Andro and Eve volunteers or crew, we’re happy to chat with you and get you settled.
Can I bring my teenager / friend / babe in arms who is under 18?
Sorry, no. Our events are currently for over 18’s only in line with our Safeguarding Policy and licensing restrictions in some of the venues we operate in. Some of our workshops and events will be open to other ages, but these will be clearly labeled.
How can I get pre-sale tickets?
To guarantee you get tickets for our sell out events first, sign up to our newsletter here. Newsletter subscribers currently get 24 hour pre-sale access for our live performance events.
Do you provide a quiet space at your events?
Our current physical venues often have foyers / bar / outside areas, but we are often restricted in providing a dedicated space, owing to the limited number of accessible venues in Sheffield. Where possible we will always be explicit as possible as to our venues’ amenities. If you do have specific access needs, we’re very open to conversations about how the event can be made more accessible. You can contact us here.
I’m D/deaf. How can I access the events?
With live events, we try to find funding to provide BSL interpretation, and when this is in place events will be clearly advertised as such. Please ask if you have questions about specific events.
I have other access needs, will I be catered for at your events or workshops?
Our online and in person workshops and events are designed to be as accessible as possible, with adaptations for different physical abilities, and access information advertised at the point of sale, and sent to ticket holders in advance so you know what to expect.
When we produce live performance events we will always make clear if the event is seated or standing, but seats can be reserved for both types of events. We use Access forms to collect any access needs you might want to share in advance so we can ensure you have the best experience possible.
Do you take precautions to manage Covid-19?
Yes. Airborne transmission poses a real risk to our communities and particularly those who are clinically vulnerable, many who attend our events. We encourage the wearing of masks. We use venues where we can ensure a flow of fresh air and use a HEPA filter to clean the air where possible.
Our team and artists are asked to test and will not attend if they have any cough or cold symptoms. If you are a ticket holder and have symptoms or test positive for covid, you can request a refund. Your help in keeping our community protected is appreciated.
Are there hot drinks / non – alcoholic options for drinks at your events?
There will often be hot drinks and good non – alcoholic drinks options at our events. Cake goes too well with tea to not offer this!
How do your online events work?
We tend to use Zoom to facilitate our online offer. To book, buy a ticket and we will send a link to the Zoom session on the day of the event. Our Safer Spaces policy has been adapted for online events and we ask everyone to read this in advance. We will always provide a break for any sessions over 1 hour, and if you have specific access needs, just drop us a line in advance.
Can I get involved?