Trans People are losing access Essential Healthcare

Pink white and blue transgender flag

We are posting this today to raise awareness of the grave and harmful situation many trans and non-binary people in Sheffield and thousands across England find themselves in. 

At Andro & Eve we are working hard behind the scenes to raise awareness of this issue with elected officials, but we wanted to take some time to raise awareness more widely and encourage allies to stand up for trans healthcare. Actions you can take can be found at the end of this post.

Transgender adults taking HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) are being forced to medically detransition by local GP practices, resulting in medical neglect of the transgender community.

This is not a new issue and has been ongoing for some time now. Adults who have been assessed and diagnosed through NHS pathways and have been receiving hormonal medication for years without issue, are now having their prescriptions stopped. Many GP practices are claiming this is an ‘additional service outside of their expertise’ and that GICs (Gender Identity Clinics) should prescribe. GICs, however, as a secondary care provider, have consistently stated that prescribing falls under the responsibility of a patient’s primary care provider i.e. GPs. 

Two weeks ago in Sheffield, in a particularly shocking example, one GP practice wrote to all their transgender patients to say they would no longer be prescribing HRT. This is particularly outrageous, given that cisgender adults taking these hormones for hormone differences or menopause are not having these medications removed from them. It is a case of wilful transphobia and medical neglect of the transgender community.

This medical neglect is dangerous for trans people, and is likely to cause huge impacts on trans peoples’ mental and physical health **  It is unacceptable that transgender adults, who will have already endured unacceptably long waiting times to access gender affirming care, are then having this care stopped by GP’s. With increasing numbers of GP’s ceasing treatment, trans people in Sheffield and elsewhere are being left with nowhere to turn for their healthcare. 

There are different reasons for the cessation of HRT prescriptions for trans people. These include guidance that was issued wrongly by the Royal College of GP’s (RCGP) in 2024 that was then updated, (read more about this via TransActual). Misinformation that HRT is dangerous, spread by those with transphobic agendas, is also having an impact and also the fact that many GP’s are currently working to rule, short of strike action. Much of these issues stem from a lack of action by the government to tackle the mounting issues in the NHS.

Whatever the reasons, stopping essential healthcare for trans people is unjust, discriminatory and yet another example of how political inaction leads to harms for the most marginalised. 

At Andro & Eve we are working hard behind the scenes to advocate for those affected by these harmful and transphobic practices and will be writing to the local Integrated Care Board (ICB) who oversee NHS patient care for local populations.  

How Can I Take Action?

If you are trans or non-binary and have been refused HRT by your GP, we would encourage you to complete TransActual’s survey. They are collating data in order to advocate on this issue. Trans Actual also have a useful guide ‘My GP is Refusing to Prescribe my HRT’ with steps to take in terms of complaints. Remember, the General Medical Counsel has stated that GP’s

“ must not refuse to provide a patient with medical services because the patient is proposing to undergo, is undergoing, or has undergone gender reassignment.

– General Medical Council

We’d also encourage you to seek support, whether that be from friends or local services or groups. We include a list of local support groups in our regular newsletter and national helplines are listed below. Trans Unite also lists trans specific support. 

If you are not trans but want to take action we would encourage you to write to your local MP. They need to be aware of this issue and the way it is causing distress and harm to those in their constituencies. Trans people should not be discriminated against in this way.

We have attached a template to write to your MP below. If you are in South Yorkshire and write to your MP, please let us know if you get a response and the outcome. 

If you would like to be kept informed of our work on trans liberation, you can subscribe to our Gender Awareness specific newsletter here. 



Switchboard are the national LGBTQIA+ support line. Call them on 0800 0119 100 or email

Samaritans are available to lend an ear 24/7 Call them on 116 223


** Trans people who have undergone surgeries rely on HRT (hormone replacement therapy) for normal hormone function. With access to HRT, transgender individuals can be at severe risk of decreased bone density, cardiovascular issues and metabolic issues.

Drag Kings: Lets break this down

We write this post because, yet again, the Drag Kings we work with have been done a disservice by the media. Sadly, this time it is Sheffield independent publisher Now Then that has pretty much failed to represent what a Drag King is while promoting our next event A Reyt Queer Do. While we’re very happy that the work we’re doing gets exposure, we cannot have the drag kings we work with be described as ‘women in men’s garb’. At best the phrase is reductive, at worst it is insulting.

If you’re sat thinking, ‘hey, thats what a drag king is right?’ then please read on.. Because that description does such a disservice to a scene that has traditionally embraced a wide range of gender identities, and often provides an outlet for creative expression for queer people who may not feel welcome in mainstream ‘gay’ venues. Yes, 19th and early 20th century music hall stars like Vesta Tilley or Hetty King were women impersonating men, but the UK Drag Scene now, is very different and so much more exciting. As London scene star Benjamin Butch puts it,

“A King show will overturn any expectations you may have, we are performing gender to introduce a position from which perspectives can be viewed differently”. 1

To break it down. You may perceive a person as ‘female’, but that doesn’t mean that is their gender identity. Ask before using a pronoun that misgenders a person. Many Drag Kings are trans, meaning their gender identity does not align with the one they were assigned with at birth. Generally a Drag King will perform as a ‘he/him’ on stage, but that does not mean they become ‘she’ offstage. This is similar to the Drag Queen scene where..

‘To many queens past and present, the distinction between gender performance and gender non-conformance is blurry, if it exists at all’. Alex Varman. 2

It is because of gender pioneers like Leslie Feinberg, Marsha P Johnson, Miss Major  and others, and the work of nights like Bar Wotever’s Non Binary Cabaret, and Boi Box’s weekly drag king open mic, that we have a UK Drag scene that plays with and critiques gender and celebrates trans identities. Our aim is to make a space for this wonderful scene to flourish in Yorkshire. To widen access and be part of the network of regular drag nights like Kingdom in Brighton that help spread the appeal of Drag Kings outside the UK’s capital city.

And while we’re at it. The term bio queen is gross and misogynistic. As performer Rodent Decay said ‘If you’re policing the genders of the performers you’re completely missing the point of drag’ 3. This piece also gives a broader discussion of the importance of women to the evolution of the drag scene.

For further reading we recommend this piece published earlier this year in ID magazine. Get to know and love some of the most interesting Drag Kings on the UK Scene right now! Sure to be appearing at a Sheffield venue near you sometime soon..

1.. From ID Magazine piece by Caryn Franklin.
2… From The Establishment piece by Alex Verman.
3. Taken from an article ‘No Girls Allowed on HSKIND by China Deathcrash

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